Friday, February 4, 2011

Sweet Food Porn

I'm trying to figure out this blog. I think I need to make it a bit more structured, especially now when my cooking and baking are a bit limited. If I plan more, I will also push myself more and it will be much more fun over here. In the meantime, look at those sweets! All of it where made more than 2 years ago, but I still remember making every single item. If you want a recipe for any of it, ask! I will try to direct you to it or maybe post it if it's my own.

I'm trying to collect lists with ideas for vegan food, such as "100 ideas for vegan breakfasts". I know they're out there, so if you know where they are hiding from me, share the link! I will make a post with all of them later. The idea to collect them came from Vegan Soul Power! who posted a fantastic list of 50 Vegan Sandwiches the other day.  Check it out!

Cookies with almond bottoms, filled with chocolate butter cream and dipped in chocolate.

Carrot cupcakes for my sisters birthday.

Strawberry cheesecake.

Passion fruit cheescake.

Chocolate Chip Brownie Waffles from The Veganomicon.

Vanilla raspberry panacotta.


Peanut butter carrot balls.


  1. ser fantastiskt gott ut!

    mvh PEGU

  2. Glad to see you are on it! I'll keep my eyes peeled too. :) Great blog by the way!

  3. major swoonage action happening now.

  4. Ah, Vöner kebab har jag läst om! Borde lätt försöka ta mig dit då. Tack så mycket för tipsen! Skulle gärna ha receptet på de sista, Peanut butter carrot ballsen (haha roligt ord), låter och ser jättegott ut!

  5. Wow. Your photos are inspirational! That passion fruit cheesecake is a work of art.
