Thursday, October 18, 2012

Chopped Thursday:Black beans, smoked paprika, brussel sprouts and crackers

 It's Thursday and we have once again been playing Chopped at home. This time it was Martin's time to be the game maker and my turn to be the chef.

The mystery ingredients:
- Black beans
- Smoked paprika
- Brussel sprouts
- Salty crackers

I think he gave me kind of kind ingredients, not to challenging. I decided to make croquettes made of black beans, rice, onions and a lot of smoked paprika. I roasted the brussel sprouts until tender, and then added crumbled salty crackers and some spices, and roasted until slightly browned and crisp in the edges. I served it with shredded carrots and ice berg salad with a simple vinaigrette. Some salsa on the side and this was a great lunch if you ask me. Let's see what the judge at the chopping block has to say....

Martin's verdict:
For this round I eased on the difficulty scale a little bit. Fanny was more inventive than what I had in mind though and made lovely rice-and-bean croquettes which where nice with a smoky tone from the paprika. The sprout/crackers-combo also worked out favourably, and as I imagined the crackers going into a breading for something this touch was new to me. A good meal, a good presentation and a different approach from what I imagined adds up to a job well done!


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