Friday, November 12, 2010

Food Porn

Lentil salad, red pepper hummus, kohl rabi-carrot salad, lemony roasted potatoes (from the Veganomicon)

Lentil-sunflower seed loaf from The Magic Loaf Studio.

Green peas.


  1. Food porn, indeed!

    Are you secretly a professional food photographer or what?!

    Although all of those shots are gorgeous - I especially love the color of the green peas.

    And that link to the magic loaf studio - I've had it somewhere on my blog for ages, but haven't been brave enough to try it out. It appears as though I'll have to get with the program now :)

  2. I've seen that Magic Loaf Studio site! I'd "made" my dream loaf on there but never made it in real life. I should do that when I get home!
