Thursday, October 6, 2011

Creamy chantarelle sauce

When I got home form school one day, there was a big bucket of  yellowfoot mushrooms/funnel chantarelles. Martin had picked them for me, and when I was done with my happy dance I lay them out on newspapers to dry. They reduce a lot in volume, it's incredible really, but the dried mushrooms will last you a long time, since the taste is so concentrated that you need very little in each dish.

Today, I used them for a creamy sauce that goes well with any "meat and potato" kind of dish. I had it with tofu, caulipots and onions, and I suggest you do to!

You make it like you would most creamy sauces. Melt a bit of margarine in a saucepan, add some flour and stir to make a paste, add soymilk and some water and let thicken on medium heat. Add some crumbled mushrooms, salt, pepper and some thyme, and let simmer on very low heat until the mushrooms is soft.


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